The Shadowrun Electric Mod
This is a non-intrusive mod for creators that features:
Custom icons for items, abilities etc in your Content Pack's art folder
Body 3D transforms for child, teen, fat and "slim ork" characters
You need to distribute this mod with your UGC or make it a requirement in order for it to work
Custom icons
To add and use your own custom icons you just need to create a folder called customui in your /art folder and drop your icon images there.
Body 3D Transforms
You just need the mod installed and the campaign Editor. By including the words child, teen, slimork or fat in your Actor Spawner prop name or in the Character Instance Sheet ID, a set of transforms will be applied to the actor prefab (only for bipeds) to make them look like kids, teenagers, fatter or make SRR/DFDC orks look less cartoonish.
Transforms were tested to work in PDA and Equip Screen, Matrix dimension and Matrix Equip Screens, and are also carried through scene transitions.
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